The "D" word
My best friend calls me and we chat for sometime, after an hour or so she ask, "Hey, so how are your Dogs?"...
Me: My Dogs?? You mean my 3 furry children, whom I cook for, care for , work for, who own my checking and savings accounts, (what savings!) It all goes to dog beds, toys, clothing, medical care, supplements, etc. Welcome to the inside of my Brain! That was exhausting!
Me again: Take a deep breath, So I answer, 'They are doing great, thanks for asking" Conversation over!
Later that week, I meet with some of my other Pet Parent friends, and I bring up the conversation, it goes something like this. "Hey, so do you all get offended when people call your furry babies the "D" word.??
Answer#1: The D word, you mean Dog!. I never thought about it, I need to think about this a little more.
Answer#2: Oh yeah! I mean, we celebrate my Dog's birthday, she goes with us everywhere, she is our daughter!
Are you a best friend who uses the D word? Here are 3 easy things you can do to secure your spot as Best Friend Ever!
1. Learn your friends Dog or Dogs' names! Just learn it! Save it to your phone, repeat it over and over again. Text them asking how Fifi is doing and bring them up in phone conversations. Do research on Fifi and the breed and bring up interesting facts you learned about Fifi in your next meet.
2. Ask when is Fifi's birthday, save the date to your calendar. Send a card, text or call on their birthday. If you happen to come over on that day, bring a gift, any gift even a homemade one, its the thought that counts.
3. Mention Fifi on your social media outlets. Take selfies with your friend and Fifi and post on your social media or tag them in cute dog stuff. This is a good one! You're welcome!
In conclusion, don't get mad at your friends for not knowing your dog's name, take it as a teachable growing moment in your friendship. Express to them how you would like for them to call your Dog by its name and maybe add in there how it makes you feel. When they say Dog, you say Fifi, when they say Dog, you say Fifi!
Together we can help the rest of the world understand the world we live in, respect our pets and start to change the way we treat and see our pets globally.
Love and Respect to you all!
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
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