Evacuation Checklist for your Pets

 Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

Natural disasters are happening all around the world!

Evacuations are happening now! When we run, our pets run with us! But how can we prepare for them like we prepare for us?

There is so much that is out of our control, but one thing we can control is our Preparedness. Do not wait to evacuate, get out early, the sooner you are out the more time you will have to prepare and find shelter with your pets. ASPCA recommends having supplies for 7 days.

1. Research all Shelters that accept your pets with you. There are many shelters that do not allow your pets to come with you especially when you add a pandemic to the list, so know before you go.

2.     Keep pet medical records and IDs on hand. If time allows, email all records to yourself, carry records with you including photos of you and your pets in case they become separated from you. A photo of you and your pets is the best way to show ownership of your pets.  

3. Have Harness, Collars, Leashes, Seatbelts, Id Tags, Carriers and Cages to transport your pets.

4. Stock new and old Blankets and Towels for warmth, protection, bedding, and hygiene

5.  Prepare Food, Ice pack and cooler if your pet’s food is fresh. If you cook your pet’s food, consider having a small rice cooker in your emergency pack. It is an easy way to cook protein, vegetables and rice, will serve as a crockpot but is more compact. They sell it at Walmart for $10

6. Keep Pets’ medication, supplements, vitamins on hand

7.  Have an abundance of Fresh Water and a water bowl

8.  Sanitation; Poopie bags and paper towels to clean up any messes. Poopie bags can also be used as small trash bags for other items or storage bags.

9.  First Aid Kit; At a minimum; Flashlight, Bandage, Gauze pads, Alcohol wipes, Antibiotic ointment. Some of these items can be found in your human First aid kit.  

10. Develop a Buddy system. Have names and numbers of friends and family in other cities and or states that can care for your pets if you find yourself in a difficult situation.


Below is a Link to ASPCA full page emergency preparedness, includes dogs, cats, birds, etc.



Prepare for the worst, prepare financially, prepare for 7 days and prepare emotionally. Try to stay positive even through the most trying of times, knowing that support is out there.


California, we are with you!

Puerto Rico, we are with you!

Planet, we are with you!


Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels


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